Friday, February 24, 2012

No Fear

Psalm 7:8-11a  The LORD judges the people;
judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness
and according to the integrity that is in me.
Oh, let the evil of the wicked come to an end,
and may you establish the righteous -
you who test the minds and hearts,
O righteous God!
My shield is with God,
who saves the upright in heart.
God is a righteous judge,  (ESV)

Look at the confidence with which David here is able to approach God. Even inviting God to judge him. We know that David was not a perfect man. And yet somehow he is able to approach God with confidence, even knowing that He is a righteous judge. David has been wronged here - unfairly accused and so he cries out to the just judge for vindication.

In Christ I can surely approach the righteous judge with confidence that I am upright in heart - for I am clothed in the robes of the righteousness of Christ Himself. What God has given me, no one can take away. This is a mystery - a sinner, yet righteous (ref.: Luther)! My shield is with God. I need not fear, I am a child of the King.

Come, Lord Jesus! Deliver Your justice on the earth. Let the righteousness of Your kingdom reign. Come Holy Spirit, direct my life. I submit, Holy Father to Your goodness and mercy. Your hesed endures forever. I am Yours and You are mine. I am my beloved's and He is mine. Your kingdom come... here, now.

In Jesus' name - in my world,

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