Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Word & Work: Through the Holy Spirit

John 16:14  He will glorify me, for he will take what is mine and declare it to you.  (ESV)

The Ryken's refer to the Holy Spirit as Jesus' "successor after his departure" (Literary Study Bible, p. 1611). As Jesus declared the word that He received from the Father, so the Holy Spirit declares the word of Jesus to us. So we are dependent on the Holy Spirit who reveals truth (to us) with power as we go out into the world proclaiming the word (v. 20) and work (v. 24) of Jesus [proclaiming and doing the works of the kingdom of God]  (Luke 8:1).

Holy Spirit, revealer of truth, may my ears be attentive to Your word, my spirit sensitive to Your leading. Have mercy on me O God, a sinner. Lord Jesus that I might teach others Your word. Come in power - for apart from You I can do nothing (15:5).

In Jesus' name - Amen,